Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mainosviestien parhaimmistoa

Siis tämähän ei ole enää mitään spämmiä, vaan avantgardetaidetta:
Greet dude

I don't care why your meat is so small,
but 71% of women do. They are pretty sure
that bigger member will make their
desire stronger.

You have the chance to change your life.

Here http://www.tening.net you can get it.

It will help you for sure. The remedy can be sent worldwide.
If you wont be satisfied - we will return all you money.
No bullshit.

wgbfdkjghskjnsxnwftttf oorkonnhnhnpnfujstruoosfshsgsfohsqsm

Grigory Danilovich enquired stiffly where the professor's equipment
might be.
'Why, bless you my dear sir,' replied the magician's assistant, ' we
have all the equipment we need with us now--look! Eins, zvei, drei!'
Flourishing his long, knotty fingers in front of Rimsky's eyes he made
a pass beside the cat's ear and pulled out of it Rimsky's gold watch and
chain, which until that moment had been sitting under the treasurer's
buttoned jacket in his waistcoat pocket with the chain threaded through a
Rimsky involuntarily clutched his stomach, the spectators gasped and

Mitä helvettiä toi loppu tarkoitti?

1 comment:

Sami Viitamäki said...

Toi loppu on tarkoitettu hämäämään sun spämmifiltteriä - ja ilmeisesti toimii :)